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Sen. Tim Scott Reads Out Racist Tweets He’s Received for His Support of Jeff Sessions

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Video at the link:



I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
A Republican thinks that pointing out Twitriol from the left is a good use of his time in the Senate? Has this dude ever been on Twitter?

Poor fucking baby. No respect for the party that welcomed overt fascism into the White House with open arms.
Racist abuse against Scott is inexcusable.

That doesn't change the fact that Sessions is not a suitable person to be put forward for this position.


I believe Mr Scott is showing us what many 'minorities' who just so happen not to be a part of the 'left' tend to go through but stay quiet about. A bit of an inconvenient truth.


I don't know if I'd consider the examples given as racist abuse, exactly? They read more like accusations of internalised racism to me.
Isn't he the same guy who got pulled over for driving while back a few months ago? I mean racist tweets are never good, but I think a racist AG is far worse.... but of course this guy probably doesn't give a fuck about any black people besides himself, so it's hard for me to empathize.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
It is disgusting. It is clear that there are many people for whom racist language remains part of their vocabulary even if they consider themselves decent.

On the other hand, supporting a racist AG is far worse for minorities than tweets, but ideally we could do without both.
Tolerance is not a binary, universal concept. The right is ignorant to the fact that one can be tolerant to most everything, but intolerant to violence, hatred, and bigotry. Clutching to that "gotcha!" is childish, and exemplifies not their desire for tolerance, but to be allowed to continue their intolerance. Also reading the offensive comments or tweets as an example of what the left really thinks? Come on, if that were true, the right would have to hold-fast to their cadre of absolute lunatics that are the overwhelming majority of comment sections.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Social media is rife with vitriol from every segment of society, it spews in every direction and is nothing new.

I do laugh at this "liberals should tolerate bigotry" idea, as if Republicans are being rounded up and sent to gulags. We all tolerate it, you are free to say nasty, backwards shit and people are free to call you a prick for doing it.


Oh no people are being racist due to my support for a racist. Being racist is bad, bad enough for me to get on my high horse about it in the senate, but obviously you know not bad enough to preclude a person from being the fucking Attorney General of the US.

News at 10, there's racists in pretty much every segment of society, but only one political party is actively promoting them to high office.
Tolerance is not a binary, universal concept. The right is ignorant to the fact that one can be tolerant to most everything, but intolerant to violence, hatred, and bigotry. Clutching to that "gotcha!" is childish, and exemplifies not their desire for tolerance, but to be allowed to continue their intolerance. Also reading the offensive comments or tweets as an example of what the left really things? Come on, if that were true, the right would have to hold-fast to their cadre of absolute lunatics that are the overwhelming majority of comment sections.

If you take a look at the OP's other threads, you can see he's not really interested in thinking about the dichotomy too deeply


Go on, please vocalize it.

Why? It's not going to change anything. You learn to live with it but you don't need to shout it out on top of buildings unless the moment calls for it (such as is the case with Scott's tribune) . It's just interesting to point out the hypocrisy.
How dare the left not police tweets from random people on Twitter. How dare every single person who doesn't identify as conservative not be tolerant of a racist and this one black guys support of that racist.


Are we supposed to be surprised that there are racists on the left too lol
If we keep acting that way one day we won't be able to tell the difference. Instead of saying sooooo, we should be treating the people who say that shit the same way we treat all racist folks. First page in here is telling about agendas.


If his point is that our current Attorney General is on the same level as anonymous racists on Twitter, then I am with Tim Scott.


Junior Member
I don't give a flying fuck about random twitter trolls on the internet.Go fucking cry somewhere else.

I DO care about the AG being a racist, because that guy has POWER and INFLUENCE.


Dance puppet, dance. You can shuck and jive and high five these assholes all you like, they will always see you as lesser than them due to the color of your skin. That's a fact.


Yeah racists are everywhere.

You should know. You voted for one. Or two. Or all of them.
If we keep acting that way one day we won't be able to tell the difference. Instead of saying sooooo, we should be treating the people who say that shit the same way we treat all racist folks. First page in here is telling about agendas.

Hi. Haven't seen you round these threads much. What's your agenda?

Mr. X

Where are the black left community leaders?

People feeling like you handed them a death sentence are pissed you dummy.


This is some bullshit. You have an actual racists that you help give power to but you wanna cry about random twitter trolls. Get the fuck out of my face man


Puts a openly racist and sexist supporter of torture into power.

Has an issue with offensive tweets.

Now thats selective tolerance.


Just watched it. Black people called him uncle Tom and a housen..... Not even clear if they are liberal.
I don't give a flying fuck about random twitter trolls on the internet.Go fucking cry somewhere else.

I DO care about the AG being a racist, because that guy has POWER and INFLUENCE.


Dance puppet, dance. You can shuck and jive and high five these assholes all you like, they will always see you as lesser than them due to the color of your skin. That's a fact.

Yeah, a few messages from assholes on the internet is chickenshit all things considered.


Fair of him to point it out, whoever those people are should take a good hard look in the mirror. Racism is not ok.


Guy wants to highlight that racist people in opposition exists to the racist he's assisting into power. Tell me Senator which ones have the power to affect the lives outside your bubble?
I mean I'm watching the video and I don't see what's "racist" about it. I think all the tweets (all 4 of them) are from black people themselves and they're mainly just calling him an uncle tom. Which I understand some people have a problem with, but if the shoe fits...

Edit: on second thought after watching this video I'm going to be a lot less nice. This guy just voted in a known racist to the office of attorney-general and has the gall to complain about black people (whose lives will be negatively affected by this) for push back against him? He can go fuck himself.


I can go on twitter, and YouTube and any place on the net and find the worst of humanity. It's shitty dude got racist tweets. But hey their trolls you can block them. I do it all the time.

What I have a problem with is people with the platform and power who are racists. The hypocrisy is funny from him. He supports a racist and sexist AG, but he focuses on twitter trolls.


semen stains the mountaintops
I don't give a flying fuck about random twitter trolls on the internet.Go fucking cry somewhere else.

I DO care about the AG being a racist, because that guy has POWER and INFLUENCE.


Dance puppet, dance. You can shuck and jive and high five these assholes all you like, they will always see you as lesser than them due to the color of your skin. That's a fact.



Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Fair of him to point it out, whoever those people are should take a good hard look in the mirror. Racism is not ok.

Maybe he needs to take a look in the mirror as well, because he just voted for a racist old man to be attorney general.



"Liberals should be tolerant of intolerant racist politicians and all that support them. It's just another point of view that they must learn to accept."
What Twitter does he use where this isn't common to everyone? No offense but I can't really give a shit about his twitter abuse given twitter is a cesspool.

He supports actual racists with the highest of executive power but I'm suppose to give a shit about his twitter? I don't.


I'm sure Mr. Scott received (and receives) plenty of racial abuse on Twitter, but his examples read like more vicious members of black twitter calling him out in a similar way XenodudeX just did.

I hope you can recover, Mr. Scott, after receiving these Tweets after supporting an old white southern Racist of AG.


GAF's Bob Woodward
An interesting article on the topic:


When conservatives cross their arms and glare and shout “It’s not fair! You’re supposed to welcome everyone but you aren’t being nice to me!” it stings about as much as if they shouted, “It’s not fair, you’re supposed to be wearing tutus and juggling flaming donuts!”

The progressive liberal agenda isn’t about being nice. It’s about confronting evil, violence, trauma, and death. It’s about acknowledging the ways systemic power, systemic oppression, systemic evil, work in our world around us. I’m not fighting for diversity. I’m not fighting for tolerance. I’m fighting to overturn horrific systems of dehumanizing oppression.
Those "Leftists" could be trolls trying to make Left-leaning people look bad for all I know.
What I do know is that you helped Jeff Sessions become AG, and David fucking Duke is ecstatic
I don't give a flying fuck about random twitter trolls on the internet.Go fucking cry somewhere else.

I DO care about the AG being a racist, because that guy has POWER and INFLUENCE.


Dance puppet, dance. You can shuck and jive and high five these assholes all you like, they will always see you as lesser than them due to the color of your skin. That's a fact.

This. Jeff Sessions will set rights back decades due to his confirmation and this dude is worried about tweets...


Is he inviting minority democrats to share the racism they have been tweeted? Because otherwise I don't see his point, are democrats suppose to police Twitter on their off time?


so hes against racism?

so why is he standing up for Jess Sessions again?

pointing out that racist people exist within the opposition is not an argument against not allowing Sessions to gain more power.
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